Extreme Optimization

Extreme Optimization

Flexmojos 4.0 introduces new optimization parameters using Apparat

Let's assume a sample application (in fact this sample application )

Building it will result on a 685Kb file (debug version w/o any optimizations)

First pass optimization

So, to get started, standard flex optimizer.  The swf is reduced to 521KB. File got about 25% smaller.

Second pass optimization

Here Apparat came into action. Without degrading imagine quality the swf is reduced to 191KB.  More then 70% smaller then the original file. Seems impressive.

Apparat does that by making use of the full feature set the Flash Player provides and which is ignored by the ActionScript compiler.

Improving the second pass

Apparat allows to degrade the Embed image quality .  So let's set it to 0.90 (90%)

The final swf will now have 81KB.  About 88% smaller, most impressive, isn't it?  And better, the image degradation isn't noticeable by most people.

Apparat optimization is available only at Flexmojos 4.0, for SWF and on RSL creation.